
Epiphany is observed anually on January 6. Visitors to Bavaria are often puzzled by the chalked inscription above doors: 20+C+M+B+12 - find out what it means here!

Epiphany. The Day of the Three Kings is always on January 6 and the day is a holiday in Germany.

Children dress up as the three kings who visited Jesus in the manger in Bethlehem. The kids knock on doors and offer to write a symbol of blessing over the top of people's entry-way doors. In exchange, the “blesee” is expected to give a small donation to the Sternsinger, an organization that does various charitable works around the world. The formula is quite simple: the 20 and the 12 on either end signify the current year. The C+M+B stand for the names of the 3 wise men, Caspar, Melchior, Balthasar. I have also heard that C M B stands for the latin, “Christus Mansionem Benedicat” – basically, God Bless this House.

The 2012 motto is: „Klopft an Türen, pocht auf Rechte!" or "Knock on doors, and insist on Rights" This years action chooses Ncaragua as the example counry and implores that the rihts of children be proteced across the planet.

More on this theme:

German Wikipedia

English Wikipedia Article

From the Evangelisch (Protestant) Church (German)