Oktoberfest 2017 was secure, friendly, and enjoyable!

2017 Attendance rebounded this year to 6,200,000 visitors. What are the official statistics?

Munich Oktoberfest 2017 attendance pegged at 6,200,000!

After 18 days of Wiesn madness, the 184th Oktoberfest ended on October 3, 2017. In that time, 6.2 Million people consumed 7.5 Million liters of beer, 127 cows and 59 calves. It will take a bit longer to calculate how many Wiesn Hendl (Rotisserie Chicken) were sold, but it should be in the neighborhood of 700,000.

The weather was good, for the most part, and weekend attendance was even stronger. Despite the highest beer price of all-time (€ 10.80 per liter), the breweries sold more beer and there were 670 cases of alcohol poisoning reported along with 120,000 recovered Masskrüge (1 liter glasses) from foiled theft attempts. There were also 49 reports of Masskrugschlägereien – an assault involving a Masskrug. Police dealt with 1,896 various cases – an increase of 5% over last year.  Drug and sexual cases almost doubled with 67 incidents and police credit this to increased checks and video surveillance. On the streets, 353 Wiesn visitors were caught driving over the limit and 231 forfeited their driver’s licenses because of it.

Meanwhile at the Lost & Found, over 4,000 items were logged. This includes 1,300 IDs, 620 articles of clothing, 600 wallets, 520 cell phones, 360 keys, 325 eyeglasses, 120 umbrellas, 95 pieces of jewelry and watches, and 15 cameras. Additionally, 1 paid of dentures, crutches, a license plate, a drinking horn, and 1 paid of Lederhosen. On top of that, 19 kids were lost but all successfully recovered.

According to the statistics from the ATMs on the fest grounds, visitors from 75 nations were in attendance. The top 10 foreign counties of origin are USA, Austria, France, Switzerland, Australia, Netherlands, Italy, Spain and Denmark.

On balance, the 184th Wiesn was safe, friendly and laid-back, making for an enjoyable time.

Join BayernTrips in 2018 for an amazing Oktoberfest experience. Our local knowledge of the history, customs and culture will ensure that your trip is a successful one. In 2018 we are offer a 10-Day Trip from Sept 15-25, a 7-Day trip from Sept 25 – Oct 2, and a 5-day trip from Oct 2 – 7.