“The same procedure every year!”

Germans love Silvester! Have you every heard of the movie "Dinner for One?" It's a cult favorite in Germany - and in English!

Germans love to celebrate “Silvester,” so named for the fourth century Pope Sylvester’s feast day on December 31st. They go at Silvester with gusto with lots of big parties but the celebration is punctuated by eating carp, shooting off fireworks and watching the short movie, Dinner for One.

Dinner for One is a great comedy and is completely done in English. The English phrase, “the same procedure as last year” is common to the German Lexicon, but few native English speakers have ever even heard of the film. Have a look at it on YouTube and make it a part of your family’s annual procedure! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1v4BYV-YvA

Guten Rutsch!